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Thank you so much for visiting BTF Consulting's site.
BTF stands for Business Transformation with Facilitation.
I am Yoshio Ogawa and have started my consulting business in June 2019 as sole proprietor with fictitious business name "BTF Consulting". BTF stands for Business Transformation with Facilitation. I use "with" because I would like my clients to be with facilitation at all their time when they meet each other to discuss for building consensus.
I would like to explain following 3 points in this page.
- For who I have started my sole proprietorship? (Who are my clients?)
- What are descriptions of my business?
- What do my clients get by utilizing BTF Consulting's services?
For who I have started my sole proprietorship?
(Who are my clients?)
I have started my business for such companies as I highlighted in light blue below.
Companies and/or organizations which run meetings and workshops (gathering together to discuss issues for building consensus)
Inviting required and appropriate persons, gathering together, discussing issue(s), and building consensus. Those companies and/or organizations, which run such meetings and workshops, would be my clients.
I am a sole proprietor with no employees, so I do not have any meetings in BTF Consulting. I personally think that some small-scale business might be same as BTF Consulting. They do not have any meetings, and general manager decides and employees work as decided. Such businesses might not be my clients because they do not have meetings.
Companies and/or organizations which would like to make the meetings and workshops work better
(In other words, companies and/or organizations which have issues to resolve in meetings and workshops)
Those companies and/or organizations which would like to make the meetings and workshops better, or those which already identified issue(s) to resolve, would be my clients. I would like to collaborate with such companies and/or organizations by effectively introducing facilitation.
When I was considering to start my business, Asahi Shinbun (Japan major news paper company) put a series of feature story on "meeting in company" on April 21st, 28th and May 12th in 2019. The newspaper had questionnaires about meeting, according to the newspaper Japanese business persons have concerns and issues as follows;
- Too long in time: 62 answers
- Nothing decided, open-ended: 46 answers
- No clear objective and goal: 39 answers
- Reluctant mood to speak freely: 30 answers
- Incomplete and hard to understand materials: 20 answers
- Too many invitees: 19 answers
- Bad environment in terms of meeting room and equipments: 6 answers
- No concerns and issues: 3 answers
- Others: 23 answers
It seems that meetings and workshops are unliked ones for many Japanese business persons. I think that behavior, for meeting together to discuss agenda(s) and try to reach to mutual consensus, are important and core activities for companies and organizations. In this sense, the above marked ones should be resolved or should be tried to make them better at least. One option is to understand benefits of facilitation and introduce facilitation in their meetings and workshops.
I would like to collaborate those companies and/or organizations which have the concerns and the issues aiming for improving and resolving them.
Companies and/or organizations which would like to create new viable business irrespective of current business, or those which would like to obtain capabilities to create it
When the concerns and the issues were resolved, in other words when companies and/or organizations successfully introduced facilitation in their meetings and workshops, next objective/step is to transform them to have workshops for realizing business transformation in agile manner. Soft skills and frameworks are effectively utilized in addition to facilitation in this phase. I would like to collaborate with my clients to facilitate and support for realizing the objective.
Final goal is that there are facilitators in my clients and they run workshops for transforming their business autonomously without myself. I would like to support my clients to reach to the point.
What are descriptions of my business?
Descriptions of my business are following 3 bullets.
- Facilitate and support companies and/or organizations which have concerns and issues in meetings and workshops by getting them across benefits of facilitation and introducing facilitation in their meetings and workshops
- Facilitate and support companies and/or organizations to realize business transformation in agile manner by having workshops to collaborate each other in their team with utilizing facilitation, soft skills, and frameworks
- Facilitate and support companies and/or organizations until they grow to a point which they run workshops for transforming their business autonomously without myself
What do my clients get BTF Consulting's services?
I personally think that most visitors to this site are interested in this topic.
Transformed meeting by resolving concerns and issues of meetings with effectively introducing facilitation
Firstly I would like my clients to obtain "transformed meeting by resolving concerns and issues of meetings with effectively introducing facilitation". By transforming meetings (in other words, transforming behavior of gathering together to discuss agenda(s) to reach to mutual consensus), my clients is expected to obtain following 3 points. This would be thought as making good soil to grow each person, team, organization, and company.
- Change of attitude for approaching his/her work (motivation and sense of fulfillment)
- Growth of each person
- Growth of company and organizations
Business transformation in agile manner with effectively introducing soft skills and frameworks
Secondly I would like my clients to obtain "business transformation in agile manner with effectively introducing soft skills and frameworks". After my clients has transformed their meeting, they are able to run workshops to realize their business transformation in agile manner as the next step. I support and facilitate my clients with utilizing soft skills and frameworks in addition to facilitation. This is something like "trees grow with thick foliage" on the soil which was "made good soil to grow each person, team, organization, and company".
Capability for autonomous business transformation
Finally I would like my clients to obtain "capability for autonomous business transformation".
My clients have facilitators in their organization, and run meetings and workshops for their own business transformation. They do not need myself at this phase. I might work as an advisor as appropriate. This could be thought as "trees with thick foliage grow towards blue sky".
If you would like to contact to BTF Consulting
BTF Consulting runs business in Japan. I think there are persons (a) who are not fluent in Japanese, and (b) who run meetings and/or workshops with Japanese company. I think there are persons who would like to make it better by introducing facilitation, soft skills, and frameworks.
BTF Consulting can work in between you and the Japanese company. Please use Contact page when you would like to touch base with me.
Enriching this site
You might have questions and clarifications such as "What is facilitation?", "What are soft skills?", "What are frameworks?", etc. I will post blogs to answer to such questions and clarifications. Please visit "Links of Blog" page.
BTF Consulting
Yoshio Ogawa